Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm Back...

Alright, so I am guilty of totally disappearing for a while. (It's hard to post when you don't have internet.) In any case, there have been a ton of changes since my last post, but I have no idea where to start with the updates. It has been a long month- most of my days have been spent job hunting, watching Toy Story multiple times each day, and hanging out with Devon. I start a new job tomorrow (basically doing admin at Dr. Page's office). I am excited, scared and sad. Excited because I like challenges. Scared of not being able to pull my weight. Sad because, as challenging as it has been to be with Devon 24 hours a day, I am going to miss my time with him. He is my little man and I am sad to be leaving him to go back to work, but I guess that's life right? We all have to work.
I will try to post some pictures of Devon soon.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Devon's Haircut

OK, so never ever let your husband take your son to get a haircut without explicit instructions or a picture for the hairstylist... Enjoy the before and after photos. (Thankfully we have one cute kiddo that can pull off a variety of looks, but Mommy misses his hair...)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

PIctures from Today

OK, I haven't downloaded the software for the new video camera yet, but hopefully Devon will go down early tonight. (I really want to post some videos from last weekend.) Here are some pictures from today though... (NO, I did not win the car, but I did win a CD and a gift card to Safeway, which we will definitely use.)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Best birthday ever...

Thinking back, I have had some pretty cool birthdays. On #16, I got my license (barely) and drove to school for the first time. On #21, I got to order my first alcoholic beverage at a restaurant and had a blast with my friends from college. I didn't really think that #28 would be that great, especially since both Josh and I had to work and weren't even sure if we would be able to meet up for lunch. So my expectations were just for a kick back day, but several cool things happened yesterday:

1) At my morning weigh in, I looked down to see 149.6-- finally below 150!!! And after only three days on the South Beach diet.

2) My work went all out for my birthday. They got me a beautiful shirt from Express with matching necklace and earings, which I wore for the rest of the day and felt like a rock star. Even though they brought in a dessert for the office, my manager knew I was on the SB diet (she is too) and she made me a special SB dessert so I still got to indulge without breaking my diet.

3) Josh suprised me with a new digital camcorder/camera that takes both video and photos (our camera broke the day before and I had been a little bummed about not being able to take any photos this weekend in Redding.) So, once I figure out how to work it, I will be able to upload videos of Devon to the blog for all nanas and papas to enjoy. It was an incredibly thoughtful gift at great timing.

4) I won a radio contest. The local station is giving away a car, tickets to NYC, and a bunch of other things. You have to be caller 9 when you hear the cue and then you get entered into the drawing to win the prizes, but everyone wins somethings. I had been caller 8 two times the day before, but went right through to caller 9 on my birthday. It was awesome. I will find out on May 31st, which cool prize I actually won. I am not sure what I want more- a trip to NYC to see Alicia Keys or a 2008 Accent. I am just stoked to be in the running.

And my day ended with Devon at the park. He at his dinner there and then I got to watch him run around and have a blast while I relaxed on the parkbench. When I got home, I was able to enjoy season finales for Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy (2 hours!!!).

Seriously, 28 is pretty darn cool.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Thoughts on a Friday...

So, last night, I stopped at Carl's Jr. on my way from work to pick up Devon from daycare for my nightly soda (I have long since caved on my ban on soda). The line was long so I was doing my usual thing in the car: singing and dancing to the radio, just having a good time and feeling pretty good. When I finally made it to the window, I was told that the car ahead of me (white Camaro filled with boys) had paid for my drinks (one for me, one to surprise Devon with). So, needless to say, I was feeling pretty good on my drive to get Devon. Feeling good. Feeling pretty. Even feeling a little sexy for the first time in a long time. Feeling like I've still got it.

Then I entered Devon's daycare to find out all 6 kids except Devon had been sent home early with the stomach flu and that in the last thirty minutes, he had started running a fever. OK, still feeling good, but was starting to come down a little from my high. I got home, took his temperature, and ordered a pizza so I could cuddle with Devon instead of cooking dinner. Still feeling pretty good about the fact that he hadn't showed any other symptoms and could maybe even blame the fever on cutting his last molar. Then came the vomit.

Ah... reality.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

More Pictures of Course...

We have been spending a lot of time at the park lately. Once a week, we meet two other mommies from my work and head to the park after work so that the kids can play. I have decided that Isabel is Devon's girlfriend. She follows him around and tackles him when he falls. It's hilarious. He doesn't like sharing his toys though when she is at the house-- he hasn't had a lot of experience when it comes to sharing his stuff because the only kids he has played with up until this point have been his cousins in Redding and he usually doesn't have his own things there to share. But he is learning. It's really funny to watch him interact with other kids. He is a social guy who likes making friends.

I am also including a picture of Devon licking the spoon. It's a tradition from my mom that the kids always got to lick the beaters or the bowl and last night was the first time I let Devon lick the spoon. He enjoyed helping me bake cookies. He poured, he stirred, and he got to lick the spoon-- so it was a good day for him.

We miss everyone and hope all is well.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Visit from Nana & Papa Kibler

My dad and Cheryl came to visit this weekend, which proved to be a lot of fun. Devon had a blast-- we went to the ocean and walked the beach, then to the park where he played for almost 2 hours, and finished the night at Cattlemens (of course). It was really nice to spend time with my dad and Cheryl. I really miss having family nearby, plus we got to show them around Santa Rosa, which is much more friendly then Livermore. We had a great time and Devon was a trooper through it all. He played hard and had a great time. Although I think one of my favorite images of the weekend was my dad going down one of the tube slides that are built for the little guys-- Dad made it down the slide but it was pretty comical watching him try to get OUT of the tiny tube. Here are some of the pictures from the weekend...